sábado, 28 de janeiro de 2012

Spoiler The Rookie Guard

Localização : Rookgaard

Leve Requerido : 6-

Equipamentos Requeridos

  • Todos os equipamentos necessários serão adquiridos no decorrer das missões.
  • Se você não tiver completado a The Beginning Quest, talvez precise de uma Rope e Shovel.


Encontre o NPC Vascalir na academia de Rookgaard, próximo à Seymour. Fale hi e peça uma mission. Ele contará para você sobre Kraknaknork, um poderoso orc que recentemente começou a aterrorizarRookgaard, e pedirá a sua ajuda para detê-lo, fale yes.
Nota: Se você for level 4 ou superior, você irá começar na missão 2.

Missão 1: A Taste of Things to Come

  • Ao sair da Tutorial Island, após atravessar a ponte, você cairá em uma armadilha. Andando para leste, você encontrará um demônio e irá morrer.
  • Você irá nascer em cima do templo de Rookgaard. Pegue no baú uma Wooden Sword e fale com o NPC Asralius. Ele irá contar um pouco sobre como é morrer no Tibia, e irá devolver a experiência que você perdeu na morte. Além disso, ele também te contará que alguns Orcs estão aterrorizando Rookgaard, chefiados por um Orc Shaman chamado Kraknaknork. Basta ir respondendo yes ao NPC e você será mandado para o andar debaixo.

Missão 2: Defence!

Vá até o NPC Vascalir, que vai pedir a sua ajuda para reforçar as catapultas que estão em quatro locais altos na vila para lutar contra Kraknaknork. Você deve ir até o celeiro que fica a oeste da academia e ir no porão, aqui. Você encontrará algumas pedras, de use nelas para conseguir uma Heavy Stone, você precisará de 4 dessas, no entanto elas são um pouco pesada. Pegue o tanto de pedras que conseguir (você deverá esperar alguns minutos para pegar outra pedra) e siga para as catapultas.
Nota: É aconselhável que você faça uma viagem de cada vez, ou jogue uma pedra no chão antes de usar a catapulta, pois ao usar uma pedra, todas as pedras que estiverem com você irão sumir.
As catapultas estão localizadas aqui:
  • No quadrado azul claro, é o bar da Norma, e tem uma catapulta no telhado.
  • No quadrado preto, é a academia de Rookgaard, e tem duas catapultas no telhado.
  • No quadrado azul escuro, é a loja do Obi, e tem uma catapulta no telhado.
Vá até esses pontos, e use uma pedra em cada catapulta, você ganhará 5 pontos de experiência por cada pedra usada.
Após reforçar as quatro catapultas, volte ao Vascalir e peça uma nova missão, você ganhará um Studded Shield.

Missão 3: A Rational Request

Nessa missão, Vascalir pede para que você experimente o seu novo escudo matando 5 ratos, vá para o centro de rookgaard e desça no esgoto, aqui. Procure pelos ratos e mate 5 deles, tome cuidado para não morrer.
Você pode ver no seu quest log quantos ratos você já matou.
Após matar 5 ratos, volte para Vascalir e peça outra missão, você ganhará 10 pontos de experiência e uma Sabre.

Missão 4: Home-Brewed

Agora Vascalir mandará você falar com Lily, vá para o sudoeste da academia, aqui, e fale com Lilyhimission e yes.
Lily pedirá que você leve algumas ervas para Hyacinth. Saia da loja de Lily e volte para o centro da cidade, quando chegar lá, siga para o norte até encontrar uma ponte, aqui. Passe a ponte, e siga para a torre de Hyacinth no leste.
Após chegar na torre, suba até o último andar e fale com o Hyacinth: hiyesyes e yes, você ganhará 2 Small Health Potion e 1 Star Ring.
Dica: Aproveite e use o baú no norte da sala e ganhe 5 Brown Mushrooms.
Volte para a academia de rookgaard e fale com Vascalirhihelpyes.

Missão 5: Web of Terror

Agora é a hora de enfrentar a aranha rainha, Vascalir quer que você pegue uma amostra da teia de uma Spider Queen, mas não se preocupe, ela é cega, e irá tentar te matar apenas pelo seu cheiro.
Para chegar até o covil da aranha, saia da cidade pela ponte norte, e siga para o noroeste até encontrar uma outra ponte, passe para o outro lado e vá para o norte, após isso entre no covil e apenas siga os caminhos:
Um andar acima do covil da aranha, você poderá ver várias Greasy Stone, usando o gel existente nessa pedra você poderá disfarçar o seu cheiro ficando invisível para a aranha durante 2 minutos. Use ela e desça a escada.
Agora você verá a Spider Queen, mas não se preocupe, durante os 2 minutos ela não poderá te ver, vá para o norte da sala e use uma teia de aranha na parede. Caso o efeito
Se o efeito do Gel terminar e a Spider Queen te alcançar, você será capturado e aparecerá em meio a uma enorme teia. Para sair, basta descer no buraco ao sul e tentar novamente.
Pronto, você já pegou uma amostra, agora saia da caverna e volte para o NPC Vascalir, fale hi e yes, você ganhará 50 pontos de experiência.

Missão 6: Run Like a Wolf

Após completar a última missão, Vascalir lhe dará uma Studded Armor. Ele lhe diz que Tom sabe criar ótimas botas com couro de qualidade, e sugere para que você fale com ele. Saia da academia e siga para o oeste e você o encontrará. Ele lhe dirá que as melhores botas são as feitas de couro de war wolf, e que você não tem a mínima chance de enfrentar um, logo, para consegui-las terá que roubar de um caçador que ele viu pelas redondezas da floresta. Diga hiyes e yes, e Tom marcará a caverna dos wolves em seu mapa. Siga para a ponte, e vá para o nordeste até a caverna. Assim que você descer, verá o corpo do caçador, caído. Use-o, e você conseguirá uma Skinning Knife.
Assim que descer novamente, você verá um baú. Use-o para conseguir uma Small Health Potion, desça a escada à esquerda, e desça novamente. Aqui estará um War Wolf morto. Use a skinning knife nele para pegar sua pele. Os uivos de lobos ficarão bem mais frequentes. Corra para a saída à direita antes que seja tarde demais. Se não for rápido o bastante, você será pego e terá que tentar novamente.
Clique para Ampliar
Volte ao Tom assim que conseguir. Ele dirá que aquela pele está muito danificada, e acabará te dando Leather Boots normais.

Missão 7: Attack!

Voltando a Vascalir, este lhe dirá que os Trolls conseguiram cavar um túnel para invadir e colocar fogo no cofre da biblioteca. Você precisa descer até lá e salvar um importante livro sobre a Orc Language das cinzas. Desça ao norte de Vascalir e siga para norte, leste e oeste até ver uma única escada. Desça, contorne o aquário contendo o Blood Crab e entre na porta que leva a escada para a biblioteca. Lembre-se de estar com uma quantidade de HP razoável, pois você tossirá muito em meio ao fogo e isso fará com que perca alguns hitpoints. No norte da biblioteca haverá o baú, e uma Destroy Field Rune especial em cima de uma mesa. Use a rune no fogo para enfraquecê-lo e use o baú para recuperar o livro.
Volte a Vascalir.

Missão 8: Less Risk - More Fun

Esta missão é a mais simples. Vascalir te falará do sistema de contas bancárias e de como é mais seguro manter seu dinheiro nelas. Desça a escadas da academia e vá para leste para encontrar o banco e o NPC Paulie. Deposite todo (deposit all) ou parte (deposit x gps) do dinheiro que tiver. Paulie depositará um bônus de 50 gps em sua conta. Feito isso, apenas volte a Vascalir.

Missão 9: Rock 'n Troll

Dessa vez, Vascalir mandará você para destruír os túneis recém-cavados pelos Trolls. Vá até a caverna principal de Rookgaard, ao norte da ponte da cidade. Uma vez nela, vire assim que possível para oeste e continue seguindo até adentrar fundo no túnel (só haverá um caminho para seguir). Haverão alguns Trolls no caminho, mas se você estiver usando os equipamentos que conseguiu nas missões passadas, eles não deverão ser problema. Assim que chegar na parte principal, você verá um baú indicado ao norte. Use-o para pegar uma Pick.
Neste túnel há 5 pilares de suporte. Você deve usar a pick nos 5, para enfraquecê-los, e fugir antes que tudo vá abaixo. Há 2 Troll Guards vigiando o túnel, porém não se preocupe com eles.
Enfraquecidos os 5 pilares, volte a Vascalir. Você ganhará um Brass Helmet.

Missão 10: Tomb Raiding

Vascalir te dará um Garlic Necklace e te pedirá para ir até o cemitério localizado na parte sudeste da ilha para procurar um bom osso. Vá até o local, que será marcado no mapa, e desça na cripta.
No primeiro andar haverão apenas alguns Rats e dois Skeletons. Procure pela porta que leva a escada para o andar mais profundo, ela está localizada na parte nordeste da cave. Imediatamente após você descer, haverá um baú contendo 5 Brown Mushrooms. Cuidado: há mais alguns Skeletons nesse andar. É recomendado comer os Mushrooms, equipar seu Star Ring e driblar os skeletons no caminho, além de ter Small Health Potions preparadas caso fique encurralado. O sarcófaco com o osso está na parte sul do segundo andar da cripta.
Após conseguir o Fleshy Bone, volte à Vascalir. Você ganhará uma Sword.

Missão 11: Sweet Poison

Vascalir te dirá que resta apenas um último favor antes de você se infiltrar na Orc Fortress. Ele te dará um Silver Amulet e um Special Flask, e você terá que extrair veneno de Wasp. Vá até a Wasp Tower, no lado oeste de Rookgaard, mate um Wasp e use o Special Flask em seu corpo para obter o veneno. Retorne a Vascalir.
Ao voltar, você receberá um Brass Shield e uma Antidote Potion, e estará pronto para enfrentar os Orcs.

Missão 12: Into the Fortress

Ao voltar a Vascalir, ele finalmente te explicará o plano. Agora é a hora de invadir o Orc Fortress e derrotar o Orc Shaman que assombra Rookgaard de uma vez por todas. Primeiro, desça até o andar do banco e entre na porta que contém um grande baú atrás. Você receberá tudo o que precisa para se infiltrar: veneno de Wasp, o Fleshy Bone, uma armadilha feita com a teia da tarantula e um Rolling Pin.
Agora, vá até o Orc Fortress. Ele está localizado um pouco a sudoeste da Wasp Tower. Ao chegar lá, você encontrará um guarda orc na entrada, que certamente não vai te deixar entrar, e então você será obrigado a procurar uma maneira de se disfarçar.
Vá beirando a parede norte da fortaleza até encontrar um local com um Orc distraído. Derrube-o com o Rolling Pin (use-o nele) e use sua pele para se disfarçar.
Já disfarçado como Orc, entre no Fortress. Ao norte haverá um outro Orc guardando a escada.
Aproxime-se dele pela diagonal, caso contrário ele irá te mandar para o centro do lugar. Use o Fleshy Bone nele para distraí-lo. Vários Wild Dogs aparecerão, e o Orc sairá correndo (se transformará em umRunning Elite Orc Guard). Não se preocupe, nenhuma das duas criaturas te atacarão.
Desça a escada, você está agora no interior da Fortaleza. Há alguns Orcs aqui. Seu objetivo é envenenar a sopa do Orc Kraknaknork, para enfraquecê-lo. Caso contrário, você não terá a mínima chance de vencê-lo. A cozinha e o caldeirão com a sopa estão na primeira área à leste. Use o frasco com o veneno no caldeirão.
Diretamente à direita do caldeirão há um baú azul. Use-o para conseguir 30 eggs. Depois, siga para a escada ao sul da caverna. Assim que você descer, estará em uma sala com um um Furious Orc Berserker e um Mystic Flame ao norte. O Orc Berserker não desfere dano, porém te segue e, em sua presença, impede que o Mystic Flame seja utilizado para se teleportar e prosseguir. A solução é utilizar a Tarantula Trapque você conseguiu antes. Lure o Orc para longe do Mystic Flame e use a Tarantula Trap para paralisá-lo (ele ainda poderá se mover, porém estará bem mais lento). Agora corra para o Mystic Flame.
Você estará agora num local com várias alavancas e barreiras de energia. Cada alavanca desativa temporariamente sua respectiva barreira, relacionadas no mapa abaixo com o mesmo número. Você começará no círculo branco, e terá que chegar no Mystic Flame no ponto amarelo. A ordem em que você deve ativar as alavancas é: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3 (apenas se você não for rápido o bastante), 6. Depois corra para o Mystic Flame. Lembre-se de que, caso você já tenha passado por uma barreira e ela reaparecer, é possível voltar passando pelas mesmas sem problemas: elas apenas te levarão de volta para o outro lado.
Você enfrentará Kraknaknork assim que entrar no Mystic Flame.
10 Small Health Potions e nível 5 são mais do que suficientes para derrotá-lo sem problemas. Feito isso, você poderá entrar no Mystic Flame existente no local e ir para a sala da recompensa, onde conseguirá umSmall Ruby e 2 Platinum Coins. Volte a Vascalir e relate sua vitória.


Missão 1: A Taste of Things to Come

  • AsraliusJogador! You finally woke up - I felt dark energy vibrating somewhere deep underground, but I couldn't save you in time. This place is safe. Are you alright?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Asralius: You have been wounded in this battle and lost 10 per cent of your experience and skills. Death in Tibia often means a grave loss. I'm sorry... but there might be a way I can help you.
  • Jogadorhelp
  • Asralius: I restored your experience. Since you are still young, it wasn't much you have lost, but next time, things could be a lot worse. Do you feel better?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Asralius: In any case, be careful when exploring dungeons you don't know. Be prepared to run away fast if you meet a monster that is stronger than you. Dying does hurt! This time you didn't have a chance though. By the way... did you open the big blue chest yet?
  • Jogadorno
  • Asralius: Hmm no, indeed you didn't. You should go and open it, I stored some stuff in there which you can use for now. Come back to me after you opened it.
  • AsraliusJogador, have you opened the big blue chest yet?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Asralius: Good. This should cover most of your losses. You know... this must have been Kraknaknork's doing... he is a powerful orc shaman who has risen from the crowd of less 'gifted' orcs and started to terrorise Rookgaard. Have you seen him?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Asralius: I'm really worried about Rookgaard. We've never had orcs intruding our village, but he even seems capable of teleporting people to strange dimensions and summoning demons. I don't like this at all. What do you think? Speak freely.
  • Jogadorhelp
  • Asralius: You know, maybe you'd want to talk to Vascalir in the Rookgaard academy. He has recently arrived to aid us with the recent orc problems. Should I teleport you back downstairs?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Asralius: Seek out Vascalir in the academy. I think if you can help him, he will be able to help you as well. And remember to be careful!

Missão 2: Defence!

  • Vascalir: Welcome, adventurer Jogador. These are dire times for Rookgaard... have you come to help in our mission?
  • Jogadormission
  • Vascalir: Have you ever heard of Kraknaknork? He's a powerful orc shaman who has recently risen from the orc tribe and started to terrorise Rookgaard. Maybe we can kill several birds with one stone. Listen: ...
  • Vascalir: What would you say about you defeat Kraknaknork, save Rookgaard and earn some experience and better equipment on the way? Sounds good?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Great. We best start by reinforcing our defences. There are four large catapults positioned on roofs high over the village. If you want to fight, you have to build up some muscles. ...
  • Vascalir: Go into the barn just a few steps to the north-west of here and down the ladder into the cellar. You'll find a huge stone pile down there. Use it to pick up one of the big stones. ...
  • Vascalir: They are really heavy, so make sure you have lots of space in your inventory. ...
  • Vascalir: Carry one stone to each of the four catapults located on Norma's roof to the south, this academy and Obi's roof to the south. ...
  • Vascalir: Use the stone on the catapult to load the catapult. You can load each catapult only once, so try spotting all four different catapults. Have you understood all of that?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Awesome! Off to work with you. I've marked the barn on your map.
Após usar as catapultas
  • Vascalir: Greetings, Jogador. I've heard a loud rumbling from the roof - I hope the stones didn't fall on your toes. Have you loaded all four catapults?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Well done! The villagers are much safer now that all catapults are ready to fire. You also look like you've built some muscles. ...
  • Vascalir: Great - so the piece of equipment I just gave you will not go to waste. Take this studded shield and put it to good use! ...
  • Vascalir: Actually I have some more equipment I could give to you, but first I want to see how you fight. You have fought before, haven't you?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Ah, that came with confidence. Suited monsters to do some basic fighting would be rats - they actually fight back, but they don't hit that hard. Just make sure you wear your new studded shield and wooden sword. ...
  • Vascalir: You can find rats in the sewers. In case you might think so, this task is not a lame excuse to help us with some rat infestion, we got the rat population quite under control. ...
  • Vascalir: Also please don't come carrying their dead bodies - what adventurers somehow tend to do for some reason. Maybe they think they're cats? I'm going to believe you, promise. ...
  • Vascalir: So, back to the topic - please kill 5 rats and then come back to me. Shouldn't be too hard, should it? Just pay attention they don't trap you in a narrow passage and take on one at a time. ...
  • Vascalir: If you run low on health, go on full defence - click the little shield icon - and leave the dungeon. Nothing corwardish about running, because dying hurts. Are you ready to go?
  • Jogadoryes

Missão 3: A Rational Request

  • Vascalir: Nice. I've marked two rat dungeons on your map. Kill 5 rats and return to me. If you should happen to forget how many you have killed in the meantime, simply check your questlog. ...
  • Vascalir: I should also give you a small word of warning - once you reach level 8, you should leave this island. Thus you won't be able to continue this quest once you've reached level 9. ...
  • Vascalir: It's not good to reach level 9 without having chosen a vocation - you'll be weaker than normal. ...
  • Vascalir: No need to be scared, just saying you don't need to plan large hunting sessions while helping me with this mission or kill more rats than I've asked you to. So, good hunting!
Após matar 5 ratos
  • Vascalir: Welcome back, Jogador. Are you done with the 5 rats I asked you to kill?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Good job. Here's your promised reward - a sabre. You can replace your wooden sword with it, if you still have it - the sabre does more damage. ...
  • Vascalir: If you look at a piece of equipment, you can check its stats. By the way, if you use sword weapons such as sabres or swords, you are training your 'sword fighting skill'. ...
  • Vascalir: This is quite important if you plan on becoming a melee fighter - the better your sword fighting skill, the higher the damage you do will be. ...
  • Vascalir: Anyway, I think you're well enough equipped now to leave the village of Rookgaard for another small task. Find Lily south-west of here, she will tell you what she needs done.

Missão 4: Home-Brewed

  • Lily: Oh hey, Jogador! Vascalir must have sent you to help me with a little mission, right?
  • Jogadormission
  • Lily: That's great to hear! You see, I'm not the only potion brewer on Rookgaard. The hermit Hyacinth has his little alchemy lab outside the village. ...
  • Lily: He's old and can't make his way into the village anymore, but needs some of the herbs that grow only around here. Could you please deliver a bag of herbs to Hyacinth?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Lily: Here you go, honey. I really appreciate your help. To find Hyacinth, leave the village to the north and go pretty much straight to the east. ...
  • Lily: His little alchemy lab is on top of a mountain. I'll mark the ramp leading up on your map, here. Don't stray from the path! There are dangerous monsters roaming the island.
  • Hyacinth: Greetings, traveller Jogador. You must be the one sent by Lily. Do you have a sack of herbs for me?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Hyacinth: Thank you so much! I'm just too old to walk into the village each day, and the herbs must be fresh. Say, would you like to have a sample of my potions as reward?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Hyacinth: Here you go - two small health potions. If you use them on yourself, they will recover some of your hitpoints. ...
  • Hyacinth: I recommend setting them on a hotkey so you don't have to search for them in a case of emergency. ...
  • Hyacinth: Once you are a bit more experienced and have chosen a vocation, you'll have access to many different potions and also spells to restore your health. ...
  • Hyacinth: Oh, and I also have another present for you! Do you still have some space in your inventory?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Hyacinth: Take this star ring. When you wear it in your ring slot, it will improve the effect of food that you have eaten. So as long as you're not hungry, you will have increased hitpoint regeneration. ...
  • Hyacinth: There are a lot of different rings in Tibia, but this one only works as long as you haven't learnt a vocation, so don't be afraid to use it. ...
  • Hyacinth: Anyway, thanks so much for your help. I can brew a lot of potions from these herbs. If you're in the area and find yourself in need of potions, don't hesitate to drop by and ask me for a trade. ...
  • Hyacinth: Anyway, this old man has taken enough of your time. Why don't you go back to the village and talk to Vascalir? If you stay on the path, you should be safe. Don't forget your potions!

Missão 5: Web of Terror

  • Vascalir: Welcome back, Jogador. Glad to see you made it back in one piece. I hope you're not too exhausted, because I could use your help again.
  • Jogadorhelp
  • Vascalir: That's the spirit Rookgaard needs. Listen, while you were gone I thought about a way to weaken and fight Kraknaknork - that orc shaman who terrorises Rookgaard. ...
  • Vascalir: Even if we could make our way into his stronghold past all his minions, we cannot hope to defeat him as long as he is powerful enough to summon demons and access other dimensions. ...
  • Vascalir: While studying the fauna of Rookgaard I came across an interesting specimen that might help us in our battle. Deep in the underground tunnels, there is a spider queen - a tarantula, who is bigger and deadlier than all the other spiders here. ...
  • Vascalir: Her web is enormous - and causes a strong paralysis. If you could get a small sample of her web, I might be able to craft a trap that we can use to paralyse the orcs so you can get past their defences. ...
  • Vascalir: Do you dare sneak into the tarantula's lair and retrieve a sample of her web?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: That's very courageous. I mark the spider lair on your map. If you leave the village to the north again like before, but walk north-west and cross the bridge, you will find it. ...
  • Vascalir: Listen, I have some more important information regarding your task. ...
  • Vascalir: The spider queen is far too strong for you to fight and if she catches you, you might end up in her stomach. The good news is that she is almost blind and relies on her sense of smelling to find her prey. ...
  • Vascalir: Deep in her lair you'll find some blue greasy stones. If you use them, you'll rub some of the smelly grease on your body. From that moment on you'll be invisible to her, but only for a short time. ...
  • Vascalir: If you run into her lair, you should have enough time to retrieve a sample of her web before she catches you. Just USE one of her intact cobwebs in her lair. Good luck!
Após pegar a amostra da teia
  • Vascalir: Oh, well done! Let me take that spider web sample from you - careful, careful... it's sturdy, yet fragile. Thank you! I should be able to make a great paralyse trap with this one. Here, I have something sturdy for you as well - want it?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Here, this studded armor will protect you much better. Fits you perfectly! Now - let's work on your footwear. Tom the Tanner can create great boots out of quality leather. You should pay him a visit!

Missão 6: Run like a Wolf

  • Jogadorhi
  • Vascalir: Oh, well done! Let me take that spider web sample from you - careful, careful... it's sturdy, yet fragile. Thank you! I should be able to make a great paralyse trap with this one. Here, I have something sturdy for you as well - want it?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Here, let me take that old coat of yours. This studded armor will protect you much better. Fits you perfectly! Now - let's work on your footwear. Tom the Tanner can create great boots out of quality leather. You should pay him a visit!
Visita ao Tom:
  • Jogadorhi
  • Tom: Hey there, Jogador. Did Vascalir send you to me for a mission?
  • Jogadormission
  • Tom: I can help you get boots, but I can't give them to you for free. Besides, you'd want good boots, not that stuff made from rat leather. The best leather you'd find on Rook is wolf leather. ...
  • Tom: War wolf leather, to be precise. Problem is - war wolves are rare, and you can't hope to fight and defeat them. So your only chance is to find an already dead war wolf, take his skin, and escape really fast. ...
  • Tom: What an interesting coincidence that I've seen a poacher sneak into the wolf den just a few hours ago. I'm not exactly a fan of poachers - they kill too many of our wolves. ...
  • Tom: Sooo... what I'm suggesting is: follow his traces into the wolf den, and if you get lucky, you'll be able to take one of his illegally obtained war wolf skins. ...
  • Tom: That's why I wouldn't call it 'stealing', what an ugly word... anyway, if you bring the skin back to me, I'll make some great war wolf boots from them. What do you say?
  • Jogador: yes
  • Tom: That's what I thought. I marked the wolf den on your map. To go there, exit the village to the north and walk north-east. Good luck finding that poacher and figuring out a plan to take those skins! Hehe.
Após ter pego o couro:
  • Jogadorhi
  • Tom: Hey there, Jogador. You look... exhausted. Did you run a lot? And more importantly, were you able to find some war wolf leather?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Tom: Hmmmm... unfortunately the skin is damaged too badly. Whoever skinned this wolf wasn't very skilled at it. Hmmm. ...
  • Tom: Ah, no need to fret. Tell you what kid, I'm gonna give you some normal leather boots instead. They should keep your feet warm as well. Here you go. ...
  • Tom: By the way... that running you did to get out of the cave will be your normal walking speed when you are several levels higher. With each level you gain, you'll also become a little faster. ...
  • Tom: There are also other items, spells and equipment that increase your speed. ...
  • Tom: You can also tame creatures to ride on that will also increase your speed. So don't worry if you're out of breath now - you won't always be that slow. Now off with you and back to Vascalir, I have work to do.

Missão 7: Attack!

  • Jogadorhi
  • Vascalir: Neo on Testera! Thank the gods you are back! While you were gone, something horrible happened. Do you smell the fire?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Time is of the essence now. The library vault is on fire! It's where Rookgaard's oldest and most important books are stored. ...
  • Vascalir: The trolls from the northern ruins somehow found their way into the vault by digging a tunnel from the other side and set everything on fire. ...
  • Vascalir: You HAVE to go down there and look for our copy of the book of orc language - while I'm thinking of a reason why I can't go myself. ...
  • Vascalir: Just kidding, I need to find out just how the trolls got in there before they wreak more havoc. I think there's something bigger behind all this. ...
  • Vascalir: The vault is likely set on fire - be careful down there, and don't run into open fire, it can and will hurt you. There should be a rune in the vault that can at least weaken fire, just in case. ...
  • Vascalir: Are you ready go go?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: You can find the vault if you go down the stairs in the northern part of the academy. The book should be in a large blue chest somewhere down there - I hope it's not burnt yet. ...
  • Vascalir: Make sure you're healthy - if you are wounded, ask Cipfried in the temple for a healing first. Good luck!
  • Jogadorbye
Entregando o livro:
  • Jogadorhi
  • Vascalir: Oh my, what happened to your hair? Your face is all black, too - it must have been a hell of flames down there. That's so brave of you. Did you get the book?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Great job down there! You do deserve a reward for your courage. Here is some gold for you. Let me take a look at the book... ...
  • Vascalir: Argh... the pages are barely readable anymore. I was trying to figure out a way to get into the orc fortress by maybe using their language... but that won't work now I fear. ...
  • Vascalir: We do have to stop the trolls though before taking care of the orcs. I found their tunnel in the northern ruins. Are you prepared for your next mission?

Missão 8: Less Risk - More Fun

  • Vascalir: We do have to stop the trolls though before taking care of the orcs. I found their tunnel in the northern ruins. Are you prepared for your next mission?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: First things first. I think by now you should have gathered some money, and it's better to play things safely instead of rushing into the trolls' lair. You might have seen the Bank of Rookgaard downstairs. ...
  • Vascalir: Each Tibian inhabitant has a bank account where you can store your money safely - so in case you die, you won't lose it. ...
  • Vascalir: You don't have to worry about item loss here on Rookgaard, but as soon as you grow stronger and learn a vocation, it can happen to you that you lose some of your items when dying. ...
  • Vascalir: It's probably safer to get used to depositing all of your money on the bank before you leave for a hunt. ...
  • Vascalir: Go downstairs and talk to Paulie. I'm sure he can explain to you everything you need to know, and he might also give you a small bonus for your account.
  • Jogador:hi
  • Paulie: Welcome Jogador! Special newcomer offer, today only! Deposit some money - or deposit ALL of your money! - and get 50 gold for free!
  • Jogadordeposit all ou deposit x gold
  • Paulie: Would you really like to deposit x gold?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Paulie: Alright, we have added the amount of x+50 gold to your balance - that is the money you deposited plus a bonus of 50 gold. Thank you! You can withdraw your money anytime.
  • Jogadorbye
  • Paulie: Good bye, and remember: entrusting us with your gold is the safest way of storing it!

Missão 9: Rock 'n Troll

  • Jogadorhi
  • Vascalir: Now that you know how to store your money, it's time to go after the trolls. I'm even going to give you some more equipment as reward. Do you feel ready for that mission?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Very well. What I know is the following: somewhere in the northern ruins, the trolls have found a way to dig a tunnel that leads to the library vault. That's how they were able to set fire to it. ...
  • Vascalir: You need to discover that tunnel and find a way to make it collapse. Maybe you're able to use some of the trolls' tools. Make sure that they can't enter the village via that tunnel anymore! ...
  • Vascalir: And please don't hurt yourself in the process. You'll probably have to fight them, so bring food and maybe a potion. If you need to buy something, don't forget that you can withdraw money from your bank account. Good luck!
Depois de destruir o túnel:
  • Jogadorhi
Vascalir:Jogador, welcome back! That was great work you did there. Let me give you something for your efforts - you deserve it. Here, want a helmet?
  • Jogadoryes
Vascalir: This brass helmet will make sure you don't hurt your head. Probably I should have given that to you BEFORE you made a rocky tunnel collapse! Take your well-deserved break. Once you're ready for the next mission, talk to me again.

Missão 10: Tomb Raiding

  • Jogadorhi
  • Vascalir: Greetings, Jogador. Are you ready for your next mission?
  • Jogadoryes
  • Vascalir: Now that we got rid of the troll threat, it's about time we get back to the imminent danger coming from the orc side of Rookgaard. The spider web you retrieved was only the first step - I've thought of something else. ...
  • Vascalir: To infiltrate the orc fortress, we're going to make use of a technique I've learnt on the battle field - distraction! I'll explain the plan to you when everything's ready, but for now I have a small favour to ask. ...
  • Vascalir: Please go to the graveyard east of the village, enter the crypt and retrieve a bone. Now I know this is a little morbid, but it would be best if it still had some meat on it. ...
  • Vascalir: The graveyard hasn't been used by the villagers for a long time. It's cursed - skeletons are roaming around, so be careful. Take this garlic necklace just in case. ...
  • Vascalir: Undead monsters tend to drain your life - because their own life force is gone. If you wear it, you'll be protected from it. Search around in the coffins in the crypt, one of them should hold a nice fleshy bone. See you soon!
Após pegar o Fleshy Bone:
  • Jogadorhi
  • Vascalir: Welcome back, Jogador! Did you find a nice, fleshy bone in the crypt?
  • Jogador: yes
  • Vascalir: Well done, this bone is exactly what I needed! Great. I have to do some preparations, but as reward for your great work, I have a shiny new weapon for you. Here, would you like to have this sword?
  • Jogador: yes
  • Vascalir: This sword has helped me in many fierce battles. I hope you can put it to good use. Once you're ready for the next mission, talk to me again.

Missão 11: Sweet Poison

  • Vascalir: Greetings, Jogador! I'm in a really good mood, I must say. We're almost able to infiltrate Kraknaknork's hideout. I have one last little favour to ask and then my plan is complete. Are you ready?
  • Jogador: yes
  • Vascalir: I'm happy to hear that! We already have the paralyse trap and the fleshy bone, and now we need one final ingredient to weaken Kraknaknork so that you stand a chance against him. ...
  • Vascalir: Wasp poison! There are many toxic creatures - like snakes or poison spiders - but none is as deadly as the wasp. At least none on Rookgaard. If we could poison Kraknaknork with it, I think he won't be able to make use of his spells for quite a while. ...
  • Vascalir: The only problem is - to get it, you need to get close to a wasp, kill it and extract some poison from its dead body. Wasps are located on the north-western side of Rookgaard, which is quite dangerous. ...
  • Vascalir: However, I can give you something for protection - a silver amulet. As long as you wear it, poison can't harm you as much as it would usually do. I'll also give you the flask which you have to use on a fresh, dead wasp. Are you prepared for that mission?
  • Jogador: yes
  • Vascalir: Alright. Here is the empty flask to use on a dead wasp. I also marked the wasps' nest on your map. Be careful and don't forget to wear your silver amulet for poison protection!
Após pegar o veneno:
  • Jogador: hi
  • Vascalir: Welcome back, Jogador! Were you able to bring back some wasp poison?
  • Jogador: yes
  • VascalirJogador, I must say I'm impressed. Not everyone would dare go into that region of Rookgaard and face creatures as strong as wasps. Wait, let me give something to you... ...
  • Vascalir: Here, with a drop of the wasp poison this potion turned into an effective antidote. Should you get poisoned again and are losing a lot of health, use the antidote potion to cure yourself. ...
  • Vascalir: There is also a rune and a spell to remove poison available once you leave this island and arrive on the mainland. It's always good to protect yourself! ...
  • Vascalir: And I have a good shield for you, too. Here, can you carry it?
  • Jogador: yes
  • Vascalir: This brass shield is actually brand-new. It's never been used! I hope it will serve you well. Take a small break, regenerate your health, and then talk to me again for your final mission!

Missão 12: Into The Fortress

Após derrotar o boss:
  • VascalirJogador! You're back! And you're covered in orc blood... that can only mean... were you able to kill Kraknaknork?
  • Jogador: yes
  • Vascalir: You DID kill him indeed! Incredible! This little village can finally live in peace again - and you've grown so strong, too. I'm proud of you, Jogador. My work here is done - but you are not quite finished yet. ...
  • Vascalir: You have to reach level 8 by hunting some monsters, but that's something you should have grown accustomed to by now. ...
  • Vascalir: Afterwards, talk to the oracle over the academy and travel to the Isle of Destiny. There, you will determine your future - which I'm sure is a bright one. ...
  • Vascalir: What will become of you? A mighty sorcerer? A fierce knight? A skilled paladin? Or a powerful druid? Only you can decide. ...
  • Vascalir: Rookgaard will miss you, but the whole world of Tibia is open to you now. Take care, Jogador. It's good to know you.

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